W Love Games

By partnering with W Love Games you are supporting the program of Finnish Games Week created together with IGDA Finland, Steal Media and Neogames!
If you wish to host a side-event, please share the information with our team and we will add it to an official program of Finnish Games week.

WLG LATAM - GameDev Bootcamp 2025
Sign up for our Free and Intensive Video Game Development Bootcamp and transform your project into a reality!
In just 7 weeks, you will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to polish your game, attract investors, and bring your creation to market. Fill out this form and tell us about your project, your goals, and why you want to join our developer community. We look forward to seeing you!
✨ Bootcamp duration: 2 months ✨
Start: March 25
We welcome you to WLG MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM with mission to support DEI goals of our global community and beloved games industry!💜
As a member you get access to our Discord server, Forum discussions, receive exclusive industry news and access to our networking events for members only!
How to join as an individual?
Individuals can join W Love Games ry with FREE membership by completing a sign up form or by clicking on the button on the right corner 👉.
Do you wish to support our mission?
We welcome the paid membership fee for both individuals and organizations from January 2023, this support will be used in developing our programs and content for everyone in our global community!

W ❤ Games is a non-profit games industry organization and conference in Finland, designed by developers for developers, that focuses on diversity and inclusion in games industry.
“W” stands for women but also for “we” as people, we who play and make games, we of all backgrounds and interests that
games bring together and make all differences disappear!
For independent developers we have a brand NEW program:
Project: Pelimetsä
Game developers for biodiversity.
Pelimetsä is a project of the Finnish game developer community for the protection of old Finnish forests and their vulnerable biodiversity.
In support of the work of the Finnish Natural Heritage Foundation, over 330 acres of forest have been permanently preserved.