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This year we will have diverse workshops which will cover exciting topics on leadership, networking, accessibility, diversity, as well as art and tech tips and tricks! Meet the brilliant minds behind them.
Creating the Best Game Country Together
By Milla Pennanen, Game Makers of Finland
Have you ever wondered what your dream job or dream work community in the game industry should be like? Take part in this inspirating and interactive workshop, where we will focus on these themes together and as a result we will build the best game country in the world! Workshop is hosted by Game Makers of Finland and TOIVE-project. We´ll use Mentimeter, an interactive presentation software in the workshop.

Game Narrative Workshop: Feedback and Collaboration
by Chride
Going from writing on your own to the intense cross-disciplinary collaboration of game development can be pretty jarring. In this hands-on 90 minute workshop, we’ll deep dive into feedback and collaboration in game narrative. We’ll go over and try out two important methods: the writers’ room, and the live reading.
Chride will also talk about their experiences as a narrative designer navigating production and processes, as well as their research on game narrative jobs.
In this workshop, you also have the chance to get feedback on a game writing sample! If you do, please use the IGDA Game Writing SIG Script Reading Session sample guidelines to prepare, and if possible, submit your sample using this link ahead of time. The first 3 samples submitted are guaranteed to be read during the session.
The workshop is open to anyone with a serious interest in game narrative. Due to limited physical space at the venue, please sign up to guarantee your spot.
Sample guidelines:
Chride Lassheikki is the Senior Game & Narrative Designer on Nitro’s Business Development team. They jokingly call themself a professional game idea guy since their work focuses on the conception and pre-production phases of projects. You might know them from their game jam organizing as part of the Pride Game Jam HKI team, and they also volunteer in the IGDA Game Writing SIG.

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